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Bridg’it! 2019 : 4th International workshop in Sociology of food took place in Lisbon – 20-22 May

Participants to Bridg'it 2019 in Lisbon

In May (20-22) “Bridg’it 2019”, the fourth international workshop of “Sociology of food” took place in Lisbon, four years after the first meeting in Copenhagen.

Founded in 2015 (see the abstract of the first meeting), this meeting aimed at building “more projects, more collaborations, more colleagues !”. And it worked : it grew bigger, gathering now Danish, French, Brittish and Portuguese researchers of several networks (food sociologists from the FRIED group in Edinburgh, the Department of Food and Ressource Economics (IFRO) in Copenhagen, and the Institute for Social Sciences in Lisboa, and SOLAL).

This time, the workshop was organised by Isabelle Darmon (University of Edinburg) and Monica Truninger (Instituto de Ciências Sociais Universidade de Lisboa). It took place in Lisbon. During two and a half days and by means of manifold presentations, but also general discussions and informal walks and talks visiting Lisbon, we shared our ongoing research.

Inter alia (see the detailed programme), we discussed how to conceptualize food as tastes, work and practices. We investigated the social origins, conditions and consequences of new consumptions trends regarding ecologic and ethics issues, such as vegetarian practices. Examining cooking at home, we considered the role of skills, socialization and family life in the framing of home cooking and eating practices. We discussed the food chain from the producers to the consumers and participative research engaging with consumers as well as producers. While we examined each of those topics in their historical, cultural, linguistic contexts, we also took care of the future, trying to connect food sociology with design approaches and discussing challenging PHD projects.

See the report by Isabelle Darmon here.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Angèle Fouquet (17 juin 2019). Bridg’it! 2019 : 4th International workshop in Sociology of food took place in Lisbon – 20-22 May. SOLAL. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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